Hindi Unicode Converter & Writer

Formerly Known as Hindi Unicode Converter
Product Code: LTS-DC1027


*License Validity 2 Years
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This is a remarkable software tool developed to help in converting Shusha and kruti font to Unicode. Tool can convert font in various devnagari scripts like Hindi, Marathi, Nepali, and Sanskrit with similar ease. Tool not only converts Shusha to mangal or kruti to mangal but also converts kruti to Shusha or Shusha to kruti. Need for such tools arise simply because windows operating system doesn’t support text in fonts other than Unicode. This Unicode font converter allows the user to leave out English text unchanged saving precious time and effort of the user. This feature has been provided keeping in mind wide spread use of English text in other language documents.

The tool is also equipped with Unicode editor option. User can type in Remington (Kruti) style or phonetic (Shusha) style while using unicode editor. This feature is beneficial for users who are habituated to Shusha or kruti style typing and face difficulty in learning new ways of typing. Onscreen keyboard provided in editor mode enables the user to key in Unicode text. Tool not only converts kruti to Unicode or Shusha to Unicode but also Shusha to kruti or kruti to Shusha. It boasts of high processing speed and can process multiple files simultaneously. Font converter tools for devnagari scripts have become very relevant in present scenario.

As large amount of web content apart from content for print media and publications is being developed in devnagari scripts like Hindi, Marathi, Nepali, Sanskrit, Konkani etc., font converters adept at converting devnagari fonts have found wide usage. Recognising the need for font converter tools for devnagari scripts, we have come up with this tool. This tool can be used as Hindi font converter, Nepali Unicode converter or Marathi Unicode converter as per the need.

  • The Hindi Unicode Converter converts Shusha to Unicode and kruti to Unicode.
  • It also converts kruti to Shusha and Shusha to kruti.
  • Can process multiple files at one go.
  • Provides unique Unicode editor feature.
  • While using Unicode editor feature user can type in kruti (Remington) style or Shusha (phonetic) style.
  • Onscreen keyboard is provided in Unicode editor mode to enable users to key in Unicode text.
  • Can convert font in texts of different devnagari scripts like Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Nepali, Sanskrit, , Konkani etc.
  • Can be used as Hindi font converter, Nepali Unicode converter or Marathi Unicode converter as per the need.
  • Tool allows the user to not only convert font but also edit text.
  • Tool is compatible with different Windows platforms.

Current Version: v

  • Optimized for Windows 8
  • Better support for Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit
  • Stability Issues Bug Fixed

System Requirement

  • Win XP/Vista/Win7/Win8
  • .NET Framework 2.0
Power Searches

Unicode font converter, Hindi converter, kruti to mangal, kruti to unicode, hindi font converter, hindi to unicode, nepali unicode converter, devnagari font